Course: IDCP Intensives Reiki Level 1 Workshop Preparation Materials
Reiki Level 1 Workshop Preparation Materials
Judith Hong, MD

You will learn the basics of Reiki Level 1. This will include basic Reiki meditations, the history and background of Reiki, and how to do hands-on sessions for yourself and others. Each participant will receive an attunement and Reiki Level 1 certification through the in-person workshop.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will define Reiki and understand how Reiki is done
  2. Participants will learn about the research done on Reiki
  3. Participants will learn how to do Reiki sessions for themselves and others.

Dear future Physician Reiki 1 Practitioners,

I look forward to leading the Reiki Level 1 certification class on Oct 26th. I'm excited to share this practice that has been life-changing for me and has positively impacted every part of my life---from personal to professional.


  • Let Maria Mas know your preferred spelling of your name for the Reiki certificate or note your preferred spelling on this spreadsheet.
  • Watch the required Reiki 1 Videos. (There will be some overlap with the previous Reiki video module)
  • Review the Level 1 Reiki manual as needed as you watch the videos (it summarizes the info in the videos so you don't have to take notes). I have also included some handouts with hand positions and also a Reiki treatment outline.


Here is the recommended order of watching the videos.

  1. My Reiki Story 11 min (Optional)
  2. Definition and History of Reiki 11 min (Required)
  3. Components of Reiki 17 min (Required)
  4. Theories, studies, and safety of Reiki 12 min (Required)
  5. Energy Work Basic 15 min (Recommended)
  6. Gassho Meditation, Self Reiki, Kenyoku-Ho 18 min (Required)
  7. Reiki Treatment Outline 11 min (Required)
  8. Reiki for Physicians 35min (Recommended)


  • Best to avoid sugar, caffeine, and alcohol 24 hrs before class. The more balanced your body is, the easier it will be for you to work with the subtle energy of Reiki
  • Bring a water bottle
  • Wear comfortable clothing as we will be practicing on each other on massage tables

Feel free to email me [email protected] with any questions.

Looking forward to seeing you in class!



P.S. For those of you who are interested in more reading material, there is an optional Reiki First /Second degree manual by William Lee Rand (either digital or hard copy) from https://www.reiki.org/store/books/reiki-healing-touch you can order. You can also sometimes find copies (used and new) on Amazon or other online book dealers. Only read Chapters 1-4, 6-10. (The other chapters are for Level 2)


User: Judith Hong
Judith Hong

Dr. Judith Hong is a board-certified dermatologist at a private practice in Santa Rosa, California. After completing medical school and residency training at UCSF, she moved to Sonoma County and developed an interest in meditation, qigong, and reiki practices. She is a certified reiki-teacher master and enjoys doing reiki for friends, colleagues, and patients.

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