Delve into dermatology diseases with new approaches from conventional to complementary care.
Explore a broad spectrum of dermatological conditions and topics to enhance your practice.
Expert led instruction for every level of patient care.
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Gain practical insights and meet new colleagues.
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The largest integrative dermatology community.
You are now part of a select group of dermatology residents in one of the fastest growing areas of healthcare: integrative medicine. Increasingly patients are seeking physicians with knowledge of integrative approaches, which is why we developed this program.
We want this to be a collaborative and rich experience. Please be sure to attend the biweekly meetings on Mondays from 6pm PST (*Unless otherwise noted on the IDRAP calendar) live via Zoom. These will be a mix of journal club and guest speaker case presentations.
If you have any questions along the way, please feel free to reach out to us! There's a discussion board for our group in the community platform as well. Please be sure to list the name of a course or faculty member you'd like to direct a question to, so we can be most helpful in our response.
For any logistical or administrative questions, the LearnSkin team is available to help at [email protected].
We look forward to embarking on this educational journey with you!
Meg & Maria!
Meg Gerstenblith, MD is a board-certified dermatologist with a focus on melanoma and other types of skin cancer. Her training includes basic science and patient-based research focused on cancer, specifically skin cancer, in addition to Dermatology residency. After completing a second research fellowship after residency, she joined the faculty at Case Western Reserve University, where she focused on melanoma both in terms of patient care and clinical research. In addition, Dr. Gerstenblith mentored many medical students, residents, and fellows both in clinical care and in research projects.
Dr. Gerstenblith is currently seeing patients part-time on the faculty of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and is finishing a collaborative research project, funded by the NIH, focused on melanoma as a part-time faculty member of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. She continues to mentor medical students and residents both in clinic and on research projects and truly enjoys the teaching aspects of her profession. Dr. Gerstenblith also greatly enjoys writing scientific literature as well as translating what she is learning to her patients in clinic.