Course: Week 14: Acne
Week 14: Acne
Anne Kennard, DO +1

Welcome to Week 14 as we review botanicals and herbs for acne!

Botanicals and Supplements

This lecture will review the evidence behind the use of botanicals and supplements in the treatment of acne. 

After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Evaluate the evidence for the use of topical supplements and botanicals in the treatment of acne
  2. Review the evidence for the role of oral supplements and botanicals for acne vulgaris
  3. Incorporate probiotics into an acne treatment plan

Integrative Management of PCOS

This lecture will explore integrative management of PCOS, including nutrition, exercise, medications, and botanicals/supplements to restore ovulatory function and improve symptoms of hyperandrogenism such as hirsuitism and acne. 

After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

1.Define PCOS diagnostic criteria
2.Review conventional treatments for PCOS
3.Discuss evidence for lifestyle interventions for PCOS, including nutrition and exercise
4.Examine evidence for botanicals and supplements in the treatment of PCOS

The Ayurvedic Approach

This lecture will review the Ayurvedic approach and concepts in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of acne. 

After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the Ayurvedic imbalances associated with acne
  2. Discuss the treatment approaches to counter the typical imbalances in acne

Practical Integration with Pharmaceuticals

This lecture will discuss the integrative toolkit in more detail and discuss how to approach integrative therapies with the most commonly used pharmaceutical agents. 

After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Review different classes of pharmaceuticals and how to build into an integrative approach
  2. Expand integrative toolkit

Isotretinoin Tips

Isotretinoin is one of the most profound medications used for acne therapy. We explore how different dosing regimens and cumulative dose targets may alter its success. This lecture will also explore the evidence behind the use of supplements along with isotretinoin therapy.

After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Review how low dose and high dose isotretinoin compare in efficacy
  2. Review the supplements that can be incorporated with isotretinoin


User: Anne Kennard
Anne Kennard

Anne Kennard is an obstetrician/gynecologist, integrative medicine physician, nutrition expert, herbalist and mom to a toddler. She is passionate about women's health in the body, mind, and spirit. She works as an OB/GYN and is the Director of Integrative Medicine and Physician Wellness Officer for Dignity Central Coast. She enjoys speaking and teaching on women's Integrative Medicine, Food as Medicine, and herbal medicine topics around the country, and her first book is expected in July 2019. Find her online at www.drannekennard.com and @dr_anne_kennard (IG) and @drannekennard (FB).

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User: Raja Sivamani
Raja Sivamani

Dr. Raja Sivamani is a board-certified dermatologist and practices as an integrative dermatologist at Pacific Skin Institute. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology at the University of California, Davis and Director of Clinical Research and the Clinical Trials Unit.He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the California State University, Sacramento and an Associate Professor of Dermatology at California Northstate University, College of Medicine.He engages in clinical practice as well as both clinical and translational research that integrates bioengineering, nutrition, cosmetics, and skin biology. With training in both Allopathic and Ayurvedic medicine, he takes an integrative approach to his patients and in his research.He has published over 100 peer-reviewed research manuscripts, 10 textbook chapters, and a textbook entitled Cosmeceuticals and Active Cosmetics, 3rd Edition with a passion for expanding the evidence and boundaries of integrative medicine for skin care.

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