Delve into dermatology diseases with new approaches from conventional to complementary care.
Explore a broad spectrum of dermatological conditions and topics to enhance your practice.
Expert led instruction for every level of patient care.
For Dermatologists
For PCPs, PAs, NPs, NDs
For experienced PAs and NPs
For Estheticians
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Gain practical insights and meet new colleagues.
Tucson, Arizona
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The largest integrative dermatology community.
Denise has a passion for teaching and researching meditation habit formation. She's a certified MBSR teacher through UMASS Center for MIndfulness and a licensed Tiny Habits® coach using the successful Fogg Method for behavior change, developed at Stanford University. She holds a Master's of Education in Curriculum Design from Concordia University-Portland and a Human Development from UC Davis.
Master's of Education, Concordia University, Portland
Master's of Human Development, UC Davis
Certified MBSR teacher