User: dwilson.wts@gmail.com

Denis Wilson

, MD


For more than 30 years, Denis Wilson, MD, has focused on restoring thyroid health, metabolism, and body temperature. He is the author of 4 books including Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, Doctor’s Manual for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, and Evidence-Based Approach to Restoring Thyroid Health. He is the first doctor to use sustained-release T3 and he has been educating physicians for over 26 years on its use in the treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, a condition in which people exhibit low thyroid and low body temperature symptoms but have normal thyroid blood test results. Since 2001, he has also been training doctors in the use of herbs and nutrients for supporting thyroid and adrenal health. In his most recent book, The Power of Fastercise, he explains how lifestyle can promote metabolic health. Dr. Wilson speaks at medical conventions and medical schools both nationally and internationally.

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