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Simple steps to prevent razor burn and irritation
I’ve dealt with razor burn ever since I started shaving. I can recall discussing this issue with my friends on my wedding day. Nobody knew why I kept developing red, irritated, and bumpy skin after I shaved.
I thought I had a solid routine. I always showered before I shaved. I used fresh razors. I bought shaving cream specifically formulated for sensitive skin. However, no matter what I tried, I still experienced razor burn. Nothing seemed to work.
So, a few years ago, I decided to take the matter into my own hands and investigate this issue some more. What I finally found is that razor burn is most likely to afflict people with curly hair, and is caused by the hair curling over and irritating the skin when shaving. Further, most popular shaving products, like aerosol shaving cream, multi-blade razors, and alcohol-based aftershaves, aren’t good for it.
I decided to experiment with different shaving techniques and employ my knowledge of natural products to see if I could improve my razor burn. I looked for techniques to protect my skin and reduce irritation. After a ton of research and experimentation, my resulting routine leaves me with far less razor burn and irritation. In fact, most days it’s totally imperceptible!
Everyone is a little different and finding your routine may take some time. However, here are a few basic tips that may help you reduce your razor burn.
Shave on!